How do I access my Super?

If you’re looking to access your Super for medical expenses, we’re here to help.

We know the process can feel overwhelming, so we’ve recently updated our website with clear, step-by-step instructions to make it easier for you

  1. Book an Appointment – Schedule a consultation with us.
  2. Get a GP Referral – Request a referral from your doctor and send it to us.
  3. Attend Your Appointment – Meet with our specialists.
  4. Receive Your Invoice – Check your email (including junk mail) for our invoice and complete the payment.
  5. Receive Your Report & CRS Form – We’ll provide the necessary documentation for your application so you can submit it.
  6. Book a GP Follow-up – Schedule an appointment with your GP.
  7. Meet Your GP – Your doctor will complete their section of the CRS form.
  8. Submit Your Application – Submit your completed application to the ATO via MyGov
  9. Claim Your Rebate – If you are entitled to a Medicare rebate, submit your claim via MyGov

For a more detailed overview, with screenshots, head over to Steps

Let us help make the process smoother for you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!